Chair of Business Administration, especially Service Operations
Welcome to the Chair of Business Administration, especially Service Operations at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
In research and teaching, we address current, socially relevant issues in the areas of pricing & revenue management, mobility & logistics, and renewable energies. For this purpose, we use methods of artificial intelligence (AI)/approximative dynamic optimization (ADP), linear optimization as well as heuristics from the fields of operations research and analytics.
Are you looking for information about our offers and activities in teaching, research and practice? Our website offers you a comprehensive overview and many details. Please contact us if you have any further questions.
Head: | Prof. Dr. Jochen Gönsch |
Office hours: | by arrangement |
Secretariat: | Susanne Lucassen |
LC 013, Lotharstr. 65, 47057 Duisburg +49 (0)203 379-2777 so@uni-due.de | |
Office hours: | Monday to Thursday, 9 - 11 am |
How to reach us: | https://www.so.msm.uni-due.de/en/contact/how-to-reach-us |
Dear students,
please use your @stud.uni-due.de-email adress to contact our staff. Otherwise an answer can't be guaranteed.
Breaking News:
- Klausureinsicht Operations Research & Software Skills (SS 2024)11.09.24
- Klausureinsicht Lehrstuhl Service Operations SoSe 202423.08.24
- Gastvortrag "Parken effizient bepreisen – theoretisch einfach, praktisch schwierig, zukünftig notwendig"27.06.24
- Promotion Dr. Christian Müller16.02.24
- 29.06. Gastvortrag "Sharing Economy - Positionierung, Geschäftsmodelle und Insights"21.06.23
MSM Breaking News:
- Lehrstuhl ABWL - Klausureinsicht "Personalmanagement für interdisziplinäre Studiengänge"10.09.24
- Anmeldung für die Zusatzkurse der MSM im Wintersemester 2024/202510.09.24
- Orientierungsangebot für neue BWL-Masterstudierende09.09.24
- Orientierungsangebot für neue WiPäd-Masterstudierende09.09.24
- Werde Tutorin/Tutor in der O-Woche 24/25! 08.09.24