The following lists show the courses regularly taught (according to the current status of planning). A few weeks before the beginning of the semester, you will find details in the navigation bar. Please note that all courses are currently taught in German. Thus, we do not provide English translations of their detailed descriptions.
Bachelor courses
- Software Skills (Summer term)
- Service Operations (Winter term)
- Topsim (Summer term)
- Introduction to Scientific Writing (Winter term)
Master courses
- Economics of Closed-loop Supply Chains (Winter term)
- Dynamic Programming (Winter term)
- Heuristics (Summer term)
- Innovative Mobility and Logistics (Summer term)
- Matlab-Seminar Service Operations (Summer and winter term)
In principle, our lectures can be attended in any order. However, we recommend adhering to the MSM’s sample schedule with one exception: we recommend attending to Heuristics before Economics of Closed-loop Supply Chains.
Breaking News:
- Klausureinsicht Lehrstuhl Service Operations WiSe 2024/202519.02.25
- Lehrstuhl für Service Operations sucht Verstärkung (Bewerbungsfrist: 12. Februar 2025)18.12.24
- Gastvortrag „Ökologische Transformation in energieintensiven Branchen - Herausforderungen & Chancen für die Lieferketten eines Papierherstellers“10.12.24
- 29.06. Gastvortrag "Sharing Economy - Positionierung, Geschäftsmodelle und Insights"21.06.23
- Klausureinsicht des Lehrstuhls Wintersemester 2022/2303.04.23
MSM Breaking News:
- Änderung im Prüfungsplan des 1. Blocks im Sommersemester 202505.03.25
- Informationsangebot zu den Vertiefungs- und Anschlussmöglichkeiten im Bachelor Wirtschaftspädagogik27.02.25
- Informationsangebot zu den Wahlmöglichkeiten im Bachelor BWL27.02.25
- Neue Veranstaltung "Machine Learning in Finance"20.02.25
Job offer: Student assistant (m/w/d)20.02.25